Organization: Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights
Registration deadline: 18 Aug 2016
Starting date: 18 Oct 2016
Ending date: 20 Oct 2016
This three days training course is aimed at academics,diplomats, government officials, lawyers, judges, journalists,representatives of social movementsand peasant organizations, as well as other professionals from international organizations, NGOs, National Human Rights Institutions and development agencies working on issues related to food, land, seeds, peasants’ and agricultural workers’ rights, human rights, sustainable development, and poverty alleviation.
It provides participants with a thorough understanding of the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas and addresses key challenges related to land rights, land grabbing and the right to seeds.
The training course also provides up-to-date information on the current negotiations on a new UNDeclaration on the Rights of Peasants.
At the end of the course, participants will be familiar with:
• Key issues addressed in the negotiations on the drafting of an international instrument on the rights of peasants, including the right to land and the right to seeds
• The content of the draft Declaration on the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas
• The rights of rural women and rural workers
• Violations of the rights of peasants and other people working in rural areas such as land grabbing or forced displacement
• The roles of States, human rights bodies, civil society organizations, and representatives of peasants and other people working in rural areas in the promotion and protection of these rights.
The training fee for this 3-day intensive programme is 530 Swiss francs (CHF), included a non-refundable 200 CHF administrative fee. This includes tuition costs, course materials, as well as 3 lunches and refreshments during coffee breaks. The fee is payable once confirmation of participation has been issued, and at the latest on 18 September 2016.
How to register:
Please download the application form or request a copy at The filled in application form should be submitted via email, with your CV (no more than two pages). Please send your application to